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Archived Newsletter 9/11/2022

September Newsletter

Happy Pumpkin-Spice-Everything Season!

Yes, it's that time of year again: Starbucks rolled out their famous (infamous?) Pumpkin Spice Lattes just before Labor Day weekend and I've already had one!

I had it over ice because I was in Florida at the time but I'm sure my first hot one isn't too far off in the future lol.

What's new this month?

Well, it's my birthday on the 20th so if you count aging as something new, then there's that.

Oh! I have new photos, a couple of which I've already shared on Twitter, with more previews here.

Additional shots will appear on my site soon!



Yes, I've made a couple minor changes since my last message.

I've slightly extended my hours for Michigan this week.

Also, for Louisville this coming Thursday, I'll be available the entire day.

To my Peoria friends: I added in a day later this month and now, due to its popularity, have extended to two days: 9/21 & 9/22.


For later in the year, both Grand Rapids and Green Bay will once more have the pleasure of my company for two days, rather than just one.

In other touring news: I'm researching more new tour destinations for 2023 and hope to finally make it to the East Coast.

Definite cities, whose dates will be announced soon, include: Pittsburgh, upstate New York and Washington DC.

Other new destinations will likely include Mississippi and possibly Alabama.

Don't see your city or state here?

Please reach out with any requests so I'll know I'm wanted!

(Tour dates section has been removed from the archived version.)

Thank you! I truly appreciate everyone who reads my newsletter! I hope to see you soon!!  xoxoxo


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